South Manchester Radiology

South Manchester Radiology is managed and led by Dr Rizwan Malik.
Under his guidance the company offers experienced assistance in the following services:

Medical and HealthIT Consultancy – available to Industry and NHS

Pragmatic advice on creating fit for purpose solutions

Medical Advisory Engagement – Supporting development of strategic vision and objectives

Radiology Reporting including Medicolegal Report writing

Establishing Community Imaging Services with image management experience.

South Manchester Radiology [smbtoolbar]

Medical Advisory

Wellbeing Software Solutions June 2017 – Dec 2018

Strategic Advisor providing CCIO Leadership and Consultancy Services to a range of Industry & Healthcare Organisations.

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Health Informatics

PACS Lead for Royal Bolton NHS Foundation Trust: Feb 2015 – Mar 2020

Associate Chief Clinical Informatics Officer RBH: April 2015 (ongoing)

Clinical Technical Lead for Greater Manchester Collaborative Imaging Project (ongoing)

Chair of the Greater Manchester Technical Workstream (ongoing)

Informatics Lead for UKRCO : Sept 2017 – 2019

Vice President Industry Liaison for UKIO: Sept 2019 (ongoing)

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Clinical Leadership & Services

Clinical Lead SMR Community Ultrasound Service Oct 2008 – Dec 2013

Mediocolegal Report Writing since 2014

Lead Chest Radiologist 2007 – 2011

Clinical Lead for Radiology at the invitation of the Medical and Divisional Directors Nov 2011 – Feb 2015

Divisional Lead for Governance at the invitation of Head of Division and Divisional Director of Operations Feb 2015 – Mar 2020
Divisional Medical Director at the invitation of Trust Medical Director and Divisional Director of Operations Mar 2020 (ongoing)
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